16 Apr Why creating a routine is so important in times of crisis
Times of crisis can bring with them feelings of uncertainty and unease. This is why it is so critical to have a daily routine for kids.
Not only does a good routine keep our brains active and keep us mentally healthy, but it helps us to form good habits and feel more in control of the situation at hand.
Feel in control
Having a daily routine in place helps us spend more time doing things that are productive. And by regularly completing productive tasks, our families feel a sense of accomplishment and therefore more in control of our daily lives.
A good practice to implement into your family’s daily routine is making everybody’s bed each morning. It might seem like a mundane task but by starting your mornings with a productive task, you and the kids are more likely to continue in this mind frame throughout the day.
Improve mental health
During a crisis, everybody is constantly exposed to breaking news and plenty of distressing headlines. It is inevitable that this overload of bad news brings with it a lot of stress, instability and even loss of sleep.
That’s why having a routine is so important. A well-balanced routine is a great way to look after your family’s mental health.
Firstly, a good routine can reduce stress by taking the guesswork and uncertainty out of everybody’s day.
Secondly, your family will feel a greater sense of safety and stability in your home instead of feeling restless and discouraged.
And thirdly, a good routine will also improve sleep-wake cycles by creating the habit of waking up and going to sleep at similar times of the day.
Another thing to remember is that although it is rewarding to do plenty of productive tasks like cleaning and getting work done, it is just as important to make time for yourself and your family.
Spending more time indoors is an opportunity to do things that make you and the kids feel good like cooking healthy meals, self-grooming and whatever else makes you feel good.
Good habits
When you stick to a routine you will set your family up with good habits.
Good habits come from sticking to routine behaviour. When doing routine behaviour like making your beds each morning or going for a walk every afternoon – these will eventually become subconscious actions – habits.
Some good habits to work into your family’s routine during a crisis is exercise, reading, writing, going to bed early, and looking after each other.
Remember – you can choose the habits you want to become your new norm by implementing them into a routine.
Having a daily routine for kids is incredibly important during a crisis.
Look after your family, their mental health, establish good life habits and help everybody feel more in control during the current crisis we are facing simply by implementing a well-balanced routine.
If you found this useful, you might also like our article about how to talk to kids about coronavirus.
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