Rejuvenate and strengthen the bond with your child.
The Reconnection Expedition is a purpose led program that has been developed following feedback from parents who were keen to further build on their child’s experiences in our Junior Leader Program, and who we’re looking forward to helping re-establish their connection with their child.
Set in serene, peaceful and uninterrupted landscapes, our 3 day program is an unforgettable journey for both you and your child. Immerse yourself in nature, enjoy moments to cherish for a lifetime, build connections, challenge yourself, laugh and get in touch with your inner feelings. Step out the role of “Mum” or “Dad” and reveal your true self, and forge a deeper connection with your child.
The Reconnection Expedition is a transformative experience that is designed to foster and build on the connections that you have between you and your child.
Through the program our Directors seek to:
We’re busy finalising our 2024 Parents Retreat Program schedule. Stay tuned for upcoming program dates & details.
To register your interest, please click on the ‘Register Your Interest’ button below and complete our EOI Form.
Day 1 Veteran Mentors Directors lead and set the tone by sharing authentically and honestly about the journey of life and the importance of sharing and letting go.
Day 2 Parents are provided an opportunity to share their stories around the fire in front of their children. This is a facilitated experience that provides a safe and powerful platform to share, raw and authentically. The Veteran Mentors guide a powerful process of sharing and letting go, that sheds light on the child as to why the parents do what they do and why they are the way they are.
Day 3 Challenges both parents and children in an exercise to push your limits. Together parents and children will joint abseil and as they overcome fears and mental barriers, they strengthen their connection.
The Reconnection Expedition activities include:
This is an opportunity for both you and child to be vulnerable together in an unfamiliar environment and re-establish your bond through fun activities and enhanced discussion.
Register your interest for our next Reconnection Expedition.
October 2025 | Date to be advised
Prefer to contact us directly? You can also drop us an email at or give us a call on +61 418 869 061.
Day 1 Veteran Mentors Directors lead and set the tone by sharing authentically and honestly about the journey of life and the importance of sharing and letting go.
Day 2 Parents are provided an opportunity to share their stories around the fire in front of their children. This is a facilitated experience that provides a safe and powerful platform to share, raw and authentically. The Veteran Mentors guide a powerful process of sharing and letting go, that sheds light on the child as to why the parents do what they do and why they are the way they are.
Day 3 Challenges both parents and children in an exercise to push your limits. Together parents and children will joint abseil and as they overcome fears and mental barriers, they strengthen their connection.
The Reconnection Expedition activities include:
This is an opportunity for both you and child to be vulnerable together in an unfamiliar environment and re-establish your bond through fun activities and enhanced discussion.
Date: Friday 28th February 2025
Duration: 3 Days (28 Feb – 2 Mar)
Time: 9.00am for 9.30am start
Venue: Kangaroo Valley NSW – 1 hour from Sydney
Deposit: $200 AUD
Program Cost: $2,800 AUD
Passcode: mentors
Note: Both parent and child must complete this registration form.
Prefer to contact us directly? You can also drop us an email at or give us a call on +61 418 869 061.
I would say that participating in the Reconnection Expedition was one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences of my life. Not only did it allow my daughter and I to spend time together, it forced us to work together as a team (often way outside of our comfort zones).
It also gave me an opportunity to face one of my greatest fears (heights) and conquer it. I was able to connect with other parents who are going through the same challenges as myself & know that I’m not alone. I really feel like I have grown, not only as a mother, but as a person and a woman.
For a long time I have felt defeated and completely disconnected from my boys. My husband and I have 5 kids, 1 girl and 4 boys. 2 of our boys also have additional needs. As a parent you always want to believe you are connected to your babies but somehow with so many in our household there came a time when day to day life, behavioural difficulties and emotional exhaustion that we were not as connected to all our kids as they needed us to be. Each morning before sending them off (no matter how chaotic the morning had been) my mantra was always telling them ” I love you, have a great day”. I always wanted them to know how much I love them. Yes, they need to hear those words often but telling them is one thing we now need to show them. We needed to prove to them that we were willing to put in the emotional work to re-engage with them!