25 Oct Troubled youth program
Is your child demonstrating poor behaviours, low self-esteem, lack of respect or addiction to technology? Knowing how to effectively approach behavioural problems in children can be a real challenge for any parent. This is especially true if you feel like you’ve exhausted all avenues to no avail. To combat the serious lack of support available for parents experiencing similar issues, Veteran Mentors was formed.
What we do
Armed with tools derived from their military deployments, the Veteran Mentors created/adapted a 9-day troubled youth program for 12-17-year-old’s which was designed to assist them to become accountable for their decisions and behaviours – and to provide them with the tools to reach their fullest potential.
For many children, expressing themselves to parents, psychologists and other adults can be really difficult. For whatever reason, many do not feel equipped to tackle everyday problems and therefore begin to act out.
However, through a combination of exercise, discipline and other theoretical lessons, participants begin to let their guard down. They often start expressing themselves in a healthier, more positive way as well.
The children themselves often acknowledge that their mindsets have seen noticeable changes and are largely more confident in their ability to bounce back, to stay in control and to succeed.
A participant who was previously experiencing physical and mental struggles even commented on how much he didn’t want to go initially but after completion, saw aspects of our boot camp for kids that made a real change in him and his outlook on life.
Although the it’s only one step towards a happier life, our program is a great place to start.
Why consider a troubled youth program?
Whether they’re demonstrating poor behaviours or simply need a little guidance, all teenagers can benefit from our program.
But don’t take our word for it, check out what parents have to say about the program HERE on our homepage.
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