29 Jun Military camps for troubled kids and how they can help
military Guiding kids can be a real challenge, especially where a pattern of misbehaviour and disrespect has formed. As a guardian, it can be difficult to watch a child slip into a routine of poor decision-making.
If this sounds familiar, it might be a good time to consider alternative options to usher them back on track.
Youth military programs are a really proactive way to help kids acknowledge their actions as well as develop valuable, life-long skills. In a time where children are more interested in social media than physical activity, it seems this style of training is more relevant than ever.
With a strong focus on fitness, self-discipline and respect for authority, boot camps for kids and teenagers have been proven to produce a positive attitude and behavioural change among a wide range of participants. After all, these camps are based on military training methods with a great history in transforming cadets into soldiers.
Benefits of military camps for troubled kids
The most fundamental benefit of military camps for troubled kids is the formation of daily routines and positive behaviours.
Many camps follow a similar schedule of making beds, polishing boots, ironing uniforms, cleaning barracks, marching, etc. While these routines might seem mundane, placing importance on them and creating new habits encourages participants continue similar behaviours post-camp.
However, the benefits of kids boot camps stretch far beyond keeping schedules and the ability to take direction. As part of basic military training, physical activity and nutritional education play a substantial role in daily activities. Having a healthy body enables militants to exert themselves to full potential, a mindset Veteran Mentors youth military programs aim to integrate into the day-to-day living of its participants, both during the camp as well as after its completion.
The physical activities included in these programs generally serve multiple purposes too; in addition to being great for physical fitness, they often require teamwork, initiative, and the desire to have a go.
For this reason, military boot camps are great for anyone wanting to challenge themselves and learn valuable life lessons.
Veteran Mentors Military Camps
Whether your child needs guidance or simply wants to gain useful life skills, we’re dedicated to helping make it happen.
As one of the best military boot camps for troubled youth in Australia, participants learn how important it is to respect loved ones, have the courage to follow their dreams, no matter how big and demonstrate the initiative required to fix problems before they become a disaster. They also use teamwork to overcome obstacles and understand that without integrity, none of these things are possible.
To register, or to find out more about our programs, head to veteranmentors.com.au/programs
Fiona jackson
Posted at 20:54h, 22 FebruaryI would like to learn more about this program as I have a granddaughter that I needs help, She is coming to stay with me for a couple of weeks to see if we can help her. Her Mum is single and at her wits end.
Thank you
Troy Methorst
Posted at 14:40h, 02 MarchHi Fiona,
Thanks for your inquiry, Ill send out an information email to you now. We will be in touch soon to discuss it over with you.
Lea hoy
Posted at 08:47h, 02 OctoberI’d also like the info please I need help with my daughter ASAP
Posted at 11:47h, 30 NovemberHello Troy,
Please could I have an information email about your program?
Thank you
Langcre Blackburn
Posted at 20:32h, 16 JanuaryCould I please have some information. Our boy is 16 years old and I believe he would definitely benefit from this camp.
Posted at 14:09h, 17 JanuaryOf course, we would love to help you. We will email you some information on our next program. Feel free to give us a ring on 0418869061 if we can help in any way.
Posted at 20:22h, 27 AprilHi Troy,
I very intrested in looking at starting this style of kids camp in my area.
Chirstie Hassett
Posted at 18:26h, 15 MarchHello,
My son Jayden is 13 and I am struggling terribly to reach him. School is a battle every day, he will not listen or reply when spoken to and if he does he is completely disrespectful, hurtful and verbally abusive. He has no appreciation toward me or for his life in general. Typical of a 13 yo I know but because his father and myself are no longer together, and his father encourages his behaviors I am loosing this battle. Please I need help
Posted at 14:57h, 16 MarchHi there,
Thanks for your message. I have sent you an email with all the information about our program. I would love to have a chat about your son and how our program can help. Please give me a ring at 0418 869 061.
Shelley Muir
Posted at 09:41h, 28 FebruaryI am desperate for help. I am a single mum on the Gold Coast.
I have a 15 year old son, he turns 16 at the end of March. My son is 6’4 inches and is built as wide as he is tall. I am only 5’5.
My son up till end of September last year had loved playing NRL, he was a Prop in Div 1 for Burleigh Bears for the last few years. He had gained a footy scholarship to PBC High for his football a few years ago.
He used to be a A and B academic student. He used to be a gentle giant until he was on the footy field.
In the last year his attitude started going down hill, argumentative, lying, hanging out where he is not meant to be and with kids he was not permitted to be with.
I have found since being around these kids he started to be disinterested in playing football not only for his school but, for is club…. for him, that was very out of the ordinary. His football was everything to him.
These kids he has been hanging around do not have any interest in sports. A couple were into surfing but, others into music or simply, nothing. I have found he started sneaking smokes and not just cigarettes and even drinking.
The worst is, he would claim he hasn’t, eventually having to fess up but, then claim it was only here or there. However; then I’d come across evidence of makeshift bongs, then it was actual utensils for bongs.
He lost his footy scholarship for a period due to his grades going down and his attitude and respect going out the window over a course of time.
Now starting to wag school and lying about where he is or was, conveniently turning phone off or not answering claiming battery is dead or nearly dead.
On and off being not only rude and disrespectful to me but his teachers… aggressive and rebellious threatening to disappear and stay at a mates if I don’t as he started using the expression; ‘don’t stop getting up his shit’.
His father is around, just absent a lot working overseas on and off since our son was a baby, he could be absent in a total of up to 6-8 months a year. When he is home, he always seems to put others first, saying it’s important to keep his name out there and networking. His father is a former 11 time World Muay Thai Champion.
Don’t get me wrong, his father adores him, he is just I get selfish as he always puts his own interests before his son, and that of others when they ask for his time. He will always cancel out on his son for others even though most of the time they never pay for his time. Now saying he is moving overseas to America this year sometime.
My son, when my son is being my son, is beautiful, polite and kind natured. And cheeky. However in around his friends being an issue, the phone, Xbox and YouTubing has been taking over his life. Ridiculously late nights, sleeping in. Doesn’t do his school work or homework and assignments on time or at all, claiming he has none. His grades dropped to D’s and even one F!!!
My son his exceptionally bright. He claims he is not smart, that he is over weight and is critical of his own personal appearance. He also started claiming he is a ‘shit’ forward and the team is better off without him. It concerns me that his self-esteem and motivation for the things he once loved is being replaced with negative behaviour and words.
I am afraid he has started hanging out with kids that are not at all the best influence on him and he unfortunately can’t or refuses to see that.
I am desperate for help to help me get my son tback that was once confident and motivated, respectful, honest and reliable.
I would dearly love to have someone get back to me.
I have a mobile for which I would be more than happy if someone preferred to call for easier correspondence.
Kind Regards
Shelley Muir
0408 615 359
Troy Methorst
Posted at 14:33h, 02 MarchHi Shelley,
Thanks for your inquiry we can definitely help! Teenager years are exceptionally challenging, I will send out an information email with our brochure about our program and we will be in touch to discuss the program with you.
Kierran waller
Posted at 12:06h, 15 MayCan u send me some information having trouble with our 13 ur old son he’s being violent towards us
Perez Brooks
Posted at 02:04h, 12 NovemberI need help also with my daughter she is 12 does this work
Posted at 17:32h, 17 NovemberHi Perez, I have sent you some information on our program. I would love to have a chat to explain how our program can help your 12 year old daughter. Lyn
Theresa Mutzelburg
Posted at 18:31h, 16 SeptemberHey I’m just seeing if I can also get a brochure thinking of putting my child in the program he is disrespectful rude and aggressive and tends to steel from the family
Larissa Harvey
Posted at 13:14h, 31 OctoberHi shelly , my name is larissa i have a 10yr old son ,and also live on the gold coast , my son have sometimes server behaviour issues, been rude disrespetive viilent out lashes with extremely bad language ,.. Im wondering did u go through with boot camp for your son and if so how did it go , please feel free to contact me would love to chat with you , ph 0474358865
Claudette Madden
Posted at 07:29h, 05 DecemberShirley
My heart is bleeding
My eyes are in disbelief as I read your story I am reading all about my own son at present.
I hope this helped your family and son get back in track.
Prayers and blessings to you 🙏
Sofia Assafiri
Posted at 09:21h, 02 MarchHi
I’m a single mother of a 16 year old boy from Melbourne
He is my world but in the past 2 years I had to quit my job because of the he treats himself me and others..i can’t deal anymore
The father wants nothing to do with my son,which is very sad. I glad I came across this website hope that the military can help my son become a better man before he gets into bigg trouble with the law.
Thank you for your time.
Troy Methorst
Posted at 14:27h, 02 MarchHi Sofia,
Yes we can definitely help out, I will send a information brochure out to you now. Have a read over it and if it looks likes its for you please either call or email us back.
Kierran waller
Posted at 12:09h, 15 MayCan I have some info sent out having trouble with my 13 yr old son he’s violent towards us
Lynete Emert
Posted at 15:50h, 15 MayHi Kierran,
I have sent some information about our program to your email address – and my contact details, I would love to hear from you so I can explain our program to you. Please check your junk mail as sometimes hotmail hides us! Lynette
Robyn von Bertouch
Posted at 11:46h, 02 MarchWe need help with my grandaughters ex boyfriend 22. He has uncaring family who live 450 ks away. He is depressed manic and threatening suicide. I have taken him to doctors but they just give medication which he iether doubles up on or does not take at all . He has nowhere to go and needs to move out of the house. I wonder if your group would be able to help him. He is a nice caring lad when he’s going good. I think it’s sad that some parents just don’t care enough.
Troy Methorst
Posted at 14:24h, 02 MarchHi Robyn,
Wow, thanks for reaching out to us, that is definitely a tough situation.
We would love to help but unfortunately your daughters ex boyfriend is to old for our current Junior Leader Program. I would recommend Head Space as a option to help out, they have great social workers who will be able to point him in the write direction.
M Cummings
Posted at 19:38h, 06 MarchI am very interested to get my 16yo in your program. He’s generally a good kid but we think technology addiction competes greatly with our parenting and now feel helpless. His tech addiction takes over almost everything. Lack of social skills. Unmotivated to find work or study. Lazy. Disrespectful to his parents. Too much anger in him. We find it very difficult communicating with him and used different strategies but cant seem to get thru him. As his mother i always thought I knew him but now see him as a complete stranger that i no longer recognise him. I feel as if i have lost my son.
He’s moved in with his brother temporarily as we always clash. Situations thst I dont believe is healthy for my child nor me hence a mutual decision. We thought itll give him space and time to think and realise. But situation is never better. I think it just pulled him further away.
Weve talked to him and tried to make him understand. We gave a very close supportive family with much love for each other. We’re not a smacking the kids type of family tho at times wish we were. We just want him to be happy. Have some life direction. Good productive life habits. Appreciate life. What he has.
Nothing breaks my heart than seeing my child wothout any direction in life. For now there’s only so much we can do as parents …like we’re standing on a dead end…
Troy Methorst
Posted at 12:20h, 09 MarchHi M,
We totally understand your situation we can most definitely help!
I have just sent an information email with our brochure, please read through it, could you please then reply to the email with the best contact number for us to call you on or alternatively call 0412 990 869.
Posted at 12:06h, 16 MarchHi, could I please have some more information on your program. I have a 15 year old daughter who can be aggressive and who is disrespectful. She has depression anxiety and has been diagnosed with OCD but now doing further assessments. I have younger children and she pretty much rules the roost because I am scared of her tantrums.
Troy Methorst
Posted at 13:42h, 16 MarchHi Perry, you are not alone, we have many parents in a similar position to you. Dont worry we can help! Ill send an information email to the email above. If it sounds like its for you please contact us ASAP as our positions are filling fast. Troy
Ramona Rosa
Posted at 19:29h, 22 MarchWhat is the minimum age for a child who can do this programme ? Thanks Ramona
Troy Methorst
Posted at 12:43h, 23 MarchHi Ramona, currently our age limit for our Junior Leader Program is 12-17 but there is scope for children outside this age bracket to attend. If you child is in the age bracket or just outside please download our brochure and one of our team members will contact you (within a week) or if the matter is urgent please call us now on 0418 869 061. Troy
Posted at 19:34h, 06 AprilHi I have a thirteen yr old daughter who has been excluded from school . she’s been in deep trouble from the police and has no more chances. Her best friend has turned her into a completely diff person, she lies , sneaks out, she’s disrespectful lazy the lost could go on. I know as a mother that she could really be something amazing so I need help to change her into a better person b4 she ruions her life by getting a police record ect
Troy Methorst
Posted at 09:43h, 21 AprilHi Kristy, we can help the best thing to do right now is to call our program liaison officer Lynette on 0418 869 061 to discuss our upcoming programs.
mel wilson
Posted at 21:23h, 12 Aprili have a 15yr old son who is rude disrespectfull very bad anger/temper etc just stays u all nite and sleePS ALL DAY and so on and so on i really need some help
Troy Methorst
Posted at 09:42h, 21 AprilHi Mel, we can help the best thing to do right now is to call our program liaison officer Lynette on 0418 869 061 to discuss our upcoming programs.
Te Mahia
Posted at 20:47h, 30 AprilHas anyone used this serviced and has helped, I have a 14 year addicted to social media not listening boys and skipping school for the price your asking for the service I would like to know if this works, and is their funding for parents,
Troy Methorst
Posted at 12:19h, 01 MayHi Te, Most certainly check out our videos on youtube https://youtu.be/Simfan74Nsc and also https://youtu.be/BXY9VC-XNEI ill send you an information pack now, if you have further questions please call us on 0412 990 869. Thanks Troy.
Karen zuccato
Posted at 04:58h, 01 MayDear hope…I have successful raised 3 1/2 siblings to my 16 y I OCD son at 6ft 4 I cop the anger and am concerned it will become a personality trait in his future as he laughs over 1 punch rules but even if I luv it program how do I get my self destructive teen to support the opportunity especial islet when D h s allow and pay him to run a muck drugged up. I feel I’m letting him and his deceased dad down
Troy Methorst
Posted at 12:14h, 01 MayHi Karen, Sounds like you have your hands full at the moment. We would love to chat about how our programs can help you out. We have dealt with children just like your son before and had success. Ill send you a information pack now, have a read and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call us on 0412 990 869.
Stephanie Gale
Posted at 09:18h, 01 MayI would like some more information please
Troy Methorst
Posted at 12:10h, 01 MayHi Stephanie, I have just sent out an information pack for you, If you have any further questions please call us on 0412 990 869. Thanks Troy.
Kristie Tullberg
Posted at 22:30h, 14 MayHi, I am in desperate need of help, I have a 16 year old son who has not long come into my care from his father’s. He has been raised in a very violent house, he ran away from his father’s and has told me about his father hitting into him. He has a lot of anger issues, he has no boundaries, the minute a girl shows him any attention he thinks he is in love. He skips school and walks out of classes cause he is pissed off. He breaks things and punches things. He is sneaky and lies a lot. He has stood over me twice, he talks to me like crap he has scraped off his boot and I am at my wits end with him, I honestly don’t know what to do he has lost all his technology from his room and toys but he just doesn’t care , I was told when he was younger he was diognosed with ADHD, ODD and Asperger’s. Nothing I am trying is working and I don’t know what else to do
omar elantably
Posted at 18:24h, 29 Mayhello i wanted more info on this program and if theres a phone number i can have to call and ask questions i have a 14 year old who never listens always fights and always bad in school i was wondering if this will fix him up thank you
Lynete Emert
Posted at 16:04h, 31 MayHi Omar,
I would love to have a chat. Please feel free to ring when it is convenient for you on 0418 869 061. Lynette
Patricia Middleton
Posted at 14:38h, 30 MayCan I please have some information sent to me in regards to this program. Thank you
Lynete Emert
Posted at 16:04h, 31 MayI sent through today. My contact details are on the email, please feel free to give me a ring if you have any questions or if you would like to book in one of the last few spots for this July program. Lynette
Vanessa Holz
Posted at 22:10h, 06 JuneI would like some info please. I am a concerned grandmother of my 16year old granddaughter. She is back and forth in our care. Her dad (our son) has a depression and drug problem and isn’t any help, her mother can’t manage her and always has all sorts of drop kicks coming and going and is also mixed up with drugs etc. Unfortunately when when it suits and there are some rules set she decides to go back to her mum. My granddaughter is very depressed, sleeps all the time, can’t get up for school and will not go to counselling (she says it doesn’t work for her) Tried headspace but they could not help her as she was not willing to get involved in the sessions. I would dearly love to help her get on track She is sad ALL the time. I am scared for her future . Because her attendance at school has been so bad she is facing being asked to leave. I would like to know cost etc.
Thank you
Troy Methorst
Posted at 08:31h, 14 JuneHi Vanessa, sadly your situation is quite familiar to us, the best thing to do is to call our program liaison officer now on 0418 869 061 or alternatively download a brochure from our website for a little more information. We can definitely help 🙂 Troy
Posted at 17:32h, 10 JuneCan you help kids with mental health/suicidal thoughts?
Troy Methorst
Posted at 08:33h, 14 JuneHi Donna, yes we can help. We have had great success with children who are struggling mentally – for children to attend our program they need to be cleared first by a medical professional. If you would like more information about how we can help please call our program liaison officer on 0418 869 061. Troy
Catherine Rossiter
Posted at 13:01h, 11 JuneHi I have. a 25 year old son who has epilepsy but well controlled and is on risperidone for his behaviours he attends a workshop x5 days a week he
goes. To gym when he feels like it he is 6’6″” and getting loud and not doing what he is told . I have travelled trained him in that he can get a bus or train to and from home but who will employ him his concentration is small he wants a girlfriend , and he wants to join the army or navy as his brother is in the navy and he would like to wear a uniform is there anything out there for him with thanks
Troy Methorst
Posted at 08:38h, 14 JuneHI Catherine, perhaps the local rural fire service or SES would be a good place to start for volunteer work with a uniform. I hope that is of assistance. Troy
Posted at 13:10h, 02 JulyHi there can I have some more info please. My son is 9 years old, currently going through a rough patch at the moment. His behaivour, attitude is disgusting right now. Would love for my son to learn some disipline and respect.
Lynete Emert
Posted at 15:04h, 02 JulyHi barby,
Yes, I will definitely send you some information today. Our program begins at age 9 and we feel it can help him and your family! Keep an eye out for my email. You can also call me on 0418869061 to discuss our program!
Pekita Pryor
Posted at 10:25h, 31 JulyPlease send me information
Lynete Emert
Posted at 16:52h, 31 JulySure. Will send through today.
Catherine Howlett
Posted at 15:23h, 12 AugustHi i have a 10 year olddaughter with oppositional deficiency syndrome. She has been through a lot the past year and a half. I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year and this year she lost her uncle to cancer. I am at my wits end and cant take much more. She is stealing and lying. Please can you help?
Lynete Emert
Posted at 15:39h, 16 AugustHi Catherine, I am so sorry to hear of your circumstances. We do have a program that can possible help your 10yr old daughter. I have just sent you some information on our next camp and would be happy for a call to discuss. My number is on the email i sent:) Lynette
Kristy bulkeley
Posted at 14:55h, 15 AugustHi
I would like some information for my 14 year old daughter please.
Lynete Emert
Posted at 16:00h, 16 AugustHi Kristy,
Thanks for your enquiry! I have sent off an email with information now:) Please don’t hesitate to call me – my details are on the email.
Leanne nicholson
Posted at 11:17h, 28 AugustI’m a single mum of a 15year old girl as well as full time cater of 3 grandchildren 3 years ago my daughter started having severe anger melt downs to the point she trashes my house brakes things that only belong to me she is swearing and talking sexual to males on the internet over the last year her behaviour has got worse I have tried seeking help all over Bendigo but when physical dr talk to her ect she heaves normal so I’m told there nothing wrong I feel as no one beleaives me how bad she is she has adhd and odd and now my 11 yr old grandson is starting to behave like her I’m at my wits end I don’t know what else I can do I’m from bendigo
Lynete Emert
Posted at 11:37h, 28 AugustHi Leanne,
Thank you for your message. I am sorry it has been a struggle for you lately. I have emailed you some information on our program. Please have a read and feel free to ring me to chat about our camp and how it can possibly help your daughter.
Posted at 11:38h, 30 AugustPlease help, my 11 and 13 yr old step children have stopped attending school. They live at their Mums but she cant make them attend and states they physically abuse her. They are not abusive with us though. We need help before its too late as the Courts want to take custody off her.
Lynete Emert
Posted at 19:46h, 30 AugustHi Sally,
I have sent you some information on our program. My contact details are on the email, please ring me when it’s convenient so we can discuss if our program.
Mia Hill
Posted at 21:43h, 02 SeptemberHi, about 4 yrs ago my mother & father become the legal guardians of their 3 beautiful grandchildren, the 13 yr old boy started high school this year, he has always been loving towards them but recently he is answering back, swearing at them, won’t participate in any sport, which he’s always been great at, refuses to help around the house, won’t get out of bed, the list goes on. My poor parents don’t know how to reach him & I fear it is only going to get worse, the kids father left them early on & that destroyed their mum, who had been with him for 10 years, she turned to ice to cope, we tried so hard to help her to no avail. My poor father is happy to work past retirement to provide for the kids, but they are so rude and disrespectful to him, it just doesn’t seem fair to me. I am the kids aunty but I have children of my own to look after, so it falls to my parents, they wouldn’t have it any other way of course, but I don’t like the way the 13 yr old is heading & in the last few days I have noticed the younger 2 are starting to copy him. He needs help and soon.
Posted at 13:11h, 03 SeptemberHi Mia,
Your mom and dad sound like amazing people. I have sent you some information on our program that I believe can help their situation and their grandson. My contact details are on the email, please call me or have them call me to discuss booking him in.
Shannon Jordan
Posted at 12:04h, 12 SeptemberI would really like some information about this I have 13 yr old twin boys who I’m really struggling with
Posted at 08:26h, 21 SeptemberWe need help now. I have a thirteen year old adopted grandson who is an arrogant , disrespectful and entitled boy. My son died three weeks before my three year old grandson was born and about two years later the teenage boy came to live with his mother.. He hits his little brother too hard. He sends very abusive text messages to his maternal grandfather who is trying to help. My daughter in law is not well and is having major surgery on Monday.
Could you please send me information including full coatings of your camp and availability. We’re desperate for help.
Thank you,
Kind regards
Ellie Dowson.
Posted at 08:21h, 25 OctoberHi Ellie,
I have sent you some information on our next program via email. Please have a read and give me a ring and I can answer any questions you may have, or book your grandson in. Lyn
Posted at 17:54h, 22 Septemberhi could I please have some information on this please?
Posted at 19:32h, 22 SeptemberSure! I have sent you an email.
Meriyan Perera
Posted at 02:05h, 01 OctoberDo you provide the programs for young adults? 21, 22 as such?
Robert Archer
Posted at 12:03h, 18 OctoberMy out of control 14 year old grandson.
Posted at 14:18h, 19 OctoberHi Robert, I will send you some information on our next program… check your junkmail if it doesn’t come through this afternoon. Lynette
Posted at 15:53h, 19 OctoberHi. Would like more information please. Also the nearest location to Adelaide.
Posted at 10:42h, 24 OctoberHi Lee- Anna,
I will email you some information today. Currently we are only running programs in Qld and NSW. We will collect your child from the airport at either location though. Lynette
Tracy Weetra
Posted at 20:59h, 28 OctoberHi in need of help have 2 teens that are out of control please help??
Posted at 09:28h, 29 OctoberHi Tracy,
I will email through some information on our Junior Leader Program that we are running in Dec (Qld) and Jan (Sydney). My contact details will be on the email – feel free to ring me with any question you may have! Lyn
Liya Purcell
Posted at 07:23h, 02 NovemberHello! I am not a parent but a teenager myself. I would like to become Fit, Healthy and gain more confidence in myself as a person. Would this program help me at all?
Posted at 11:15h, 02 NovemberHi Liya
Yes, this program definitely would help set you up to accomplish all three goals and to keep you on the right track! I will email you some information to show your parents and they can give me a call if you want to book in to one of our programs!
Cathryn Hamer
Posted at 08:27h, 04 NovemberHi there, would it be possible to receive your information email please? I have a 14 year old daughter who has been going off the rails for the past couple of years and has now put herself in a position where nobody wants to help her anymore. I’m a single mom with a younger, autistic daughter at home and need help with my 14 year old as no one in my family are willing to take her in anymore because of her behaviour. Thank you.
Posted at 17:29h, 17 NovemberHi Cathryn,
I have sent off some information now. Please have a read and give me a ring if I can help answer any questions you may have! My number is on the email I sent.
Suzanne Armstead
Posted at 17:52h, 13 NovemberHi, I have a 14 year old daughter that is completely out of control and I am at a loss as to what to do next.
Would you please send me through more information on any appropriate programs for her.
Thank you!
Posted at 17:24h, 17 NovemberHi Suzanne,
I have sent some information through to your email address. Please check your junkmail if you don’t see it. My contact details are on that email, please give me a ring after you have had a read and I can help discuss how our program can help.
Di mellor
Posted at 13:29h, 23 NovemberHi this is very hard for me as a grandparent but I have a 14 year old grandson that has become rude ,ignorant ,arrogant not talking direction from school or at home ,from his parents ,just so sad to see this happening as he was a child that was island can be a wonderful young man ,, has become a very negative verbal young man however not with me or his grandfather but mostly with his mum who is a fabulous caring sensitive person but who is at her whits end after just coming from the school to learn he has just been suspended for his arrogance etc ,, needing some help before it gets to far out of control, please
Cynthia stevenson
Posted at 09:29h, 19 JanuaryHi
I read all the above request from distressed parents/ grand parents and as I am in the same boat with my grand daughter and believe she is in one of these camps for help. Her parents are on breaking point and have made this decision to send their daughter to boot camp for help. My query is I have not seen or read any feed back from the parents/grandparents on outcome after the teenager / kids have attended your camp..
Posted at 16:09h, 05 MarchHi Cynthia,
Thanks for your message. Feel free to head to our Facebook page to see some honest reviews from parents and from past participants.
Helen Baulch
Posted at 08:52h, 14 FebruaryHello, I have a 12 year old grandson who has just started high school. Already one teacher has contacted his parents about him refusing to do work. He has a good heart but has issues with self esteem…he like to be considered tough and cool and tends to show off in front of other, and does tell lies often.. He is easily distracted, except when playing fortnight or other games which he seems to want to always play. I would love some information to pass onto his parents and your contact details as well please. His mother is devastated by his behaviour and wants to find a way to change it before it becomes his way of life. Thank you.
Posted at 12:21h, 14 FebruaryHi Helen,
Our program can definitely help your grandson! I have emailed you an information pack about our school holiday Junior Leadership program. Please pass onto his mother. Our contact details are on the email and our customer Liaison would be happy to answer any question she or you may have.
Clinton Green
Posted at 10:15h, 25 FebruaryHi my name is Clint Green I have a 12 nearly 13 year old son he lives with his mother in Western Australia I was living over there as well.But I had to get away from there as I have only just got out of jail and needed to get my life in order but for the last couple of years he has gone down hill he smokes weed he steals and threatens his mother and they blame me for not being there and I was wondering if use had any programs for father and son’s to build relationships and trust and environment were the both of us can learn to RESPECT each other as I don’t want my son to go down the same path as me I look forward to hearing from you
Posted at 13:50h, 05 MarchHi Clinton,
It is so good to hear you are getting your life on track. The program you are describing is amazing, but unfortunately not what we offer. However, if your son attends our program, we can make a difference. I would be happy to have a discussion with you? In the meantime, I will send you some information on the next Veteran Mentor program with my contact details- and check out our facebook page for parent feedback etc. http://www.facebook/.com/veteranmentors.
Isabel McGlynn
Posted at 18:59h, 27 FebruaryHello,
Do you have a program for 9 yr olds?
My Nephew can’t control his emotions if things don’t go his way. It is affecting his school and home life. He is getting bigger and stronger. His mother is at her witts end.
Can you help?
Posted at 13:45h, 05 MarchHi Isabel,
Yes we do have a program for 9-11yr olds. I have sent you some information on our next camps- dates and costs. I would be happy to discuss how the program can be beneficial to your nephew and his family. My contact details are on the email. Feel free to give me a ring.
Natalie Dutschke
Posted at 13:23h, 05 MarchHi, can I have some more info please?
We have a very troubled 16 year old son, who lies and steals constantly.
Posted at 13:44h, 05 MarchHi Natalie,
I have emailed you information on our upcoming programs. Please have a read and feel free to ring me on 0418869061 to have a chat so I can explain how our program can help you and your son.
Posted at 17:45h, 04 AprilHi there, my son is in need of help with his lack of respect and aggressive behaviour. After taking a look at your program on your website we simply can not afford anything like that … can you recommend anything else for us thst would be substantially less in $$
Erica Mayo
Posted at 12:42h, 16 AprilHello can i please have some more information i have a very troubled Grandson 14 years old. Erica
kristy becker
Posted at 08:49h, 04 MayHi just wanting more info please where is this program located? And what age do you take? Im a single mum of 5-(4) are boys. My oldest is 9 with a rotten bad attitude. ADHD, lying and fighting with his his younger brother who is 5 to the point he chokes him.
Melissa thomas
Posted at 20:50h, 05 MayHi please I need help for my 14 year old my family and marriage is falling apart due to his refusal of school and temper would love some info
Posted at 12:57h, 06 MayHi Melissa,
I will send you some information on how our program may help your son and family.
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Posted at 17:16h, 19 MayI have observed that in the world today, video games include the latest popularity with children of all ages. Occasionally it may be not possible to drag your family away from the video games. If you want the best of both worlds, there are many educational activities for kids. Interesting post.
Robert Comito
Posted at 06:47h, 23 MayHi
I have a 14 year old son, who doesn’t listen
answer back, won’t go to school.
As I am a single father, and am working
full time and also juggling parenting is pretty tough,
I make his lunch before I go to work for him
so everything is prepared.
He blocked the schools contact on my phone , so I wasn’t getting the sms about absence.
It was when I contacted the school about another matter, they advised me about his attendance,
They advised me he had been away 2 weeks straight,
His attendance was 53%
Hi is grades were 8%,
A big concern for me, just has no interest in school at all.
Nataschia Wilisch
Posted at 12:16h, 25 MayHi I am desperately seeking some help to with my 15 yr old, he has been off the rails for a while and is now dragging his 13 yr old brother along with him.
Emma Paterson
Posted at 17:17h, 06 JuneI would appreciate more information on these programs, please.
Veena Venkatesh
Posted at 02:42h, 12 JunePlease send me the information ,would like to know more about the program.
Rochelle Ell
Posted at 20:37h, 18 JuneHi could I please get some information.
Thank you
Posted at 20:31h, 26 JuneHi Rochelle,
We sent you some information earlier this week. Let us know if we can help you in any way.
Posted at 20:32h, 26 JuneInfo sent, give us a ring on the contact details in your email and we would be happy to have a chat with you.
Posted at 14:23h, 19 JuneI have a 14 year old she just ran away wth her boyfriend on Sunday and found her Tuesday. I went through her phone found out she’s doing drugs. And she’s sexually active. And when she’s home she’s abusive towards her smaller siblings.. I need help before she gets hurt.. or leaves again.. can I get hepl?
Posted at 20:33h, 26 JuneSorry to hear about your troubles. I have sent you some information on our 9 day program and our contact details are on there, feel free to give us a ring about how we can help.
Nicole Black
Posted at 13:07h, 26 JuneMore info please
Fiona Louise Crozier
Posted at 20:02h, 26 JuneI am a single mum with 3 girls, I’m having trouble with my 11 year old, she does not like or follow rules & having a big problem with her eating her lunches at school, I’m finding them everywhere, under her bed, behind furniture even in my car. I have tried getting the school to help me but they say they can’t make students do anything, I have tried explaining the dangers of certain things she does, I have also tried punishing her by taking her technology away, even grounding her but nothing is working, she is extremely stubborn. I don’t know what else to do😟
Posted at 20:35h, 26 JuneHi Fiona,
We have sent off some information about our program for you and how it might possibly help in your situation. Please feel free to contact us to have a chat.
Chantal Curran
Posted at 11:16h, 15 JulyHi,
Can you please send me some information.
I have a 15 year old throwing away his bright future, he has changed so much I feel like I am looking at a different kid.
He is always so angry now. Please help
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Posted at 20:42h, 24 JulyThis is nice!
Penny johnson
Posted at 13:39h, 04 AugustPlease send me information on your next camp. I have a 14 yo son.
Posted at 12:29h, 08 AugustI have sent you some information. Please feel free to give me a ring if we can help in any way.
Posted at 21:25h, 07 AugustIs this a voluntary program or can troubled teens be put in this program involuntary please???
Posted at 12:27h, 08 AugustHi Julie,
Our program results work best if the teens are aware of the program and go willingly. However, they don’t need to be happy about it:)
Julie-anne Johnson
Posted at 21:21h, 18 AugustHi we need help my 13 year old son is out of control abusive agressive violent destructive he has no respect for me or my partner and our property and we need intervention now before he lands him self in juvie. Look forward to hearing from you.
Posted at 12:30h, 21 AugustHi Julie-anne,
Thanks for your message and sorry to hear about your situation at home. I have sent you some information on our next program for you to consider. I have included my contact details and would love you to give me a ring and I can help answer any questions or register your son into our September intake.
Margaret brown
Posted at 13:49h, 19 SeptemberI have a 12 year old neice who is out of control is there still camp available in ql/nsw with vacancies. Thisweek had police out 3 times and is running away from svholl. Third schools in 2 terms.
Debbie Ward
Posted at 16:12h, 19 SeptemberIs this in Queensland. Is there any boot camps that go longer then 9 days. My son is 14 an on the wrong path of drugs an the wrong friends an no respect for hus family at all. We havr tryed grounding him taking things from him. This just makes things worse. The police do nothing. . Im at then end of my rope with him.. i need help. He nerds hel
Posted at 12:09h, 24 SeptemberI would like more information, have an introverted teen girl, who would rather lay in bed than go to school.
Posted at 19:23h, 08 OctoberHi my son is 16.. he is starting to lie, stealing money and users my bank card. He is being disrespectful, challenging, manipulating getting suspended from school.
Posted at 14:00h, 28 OctoberHi Jo, Sounds like a challenging situation. I have emailed you some information on our program that can help you both. Please have a read and give me a ring. Lynette
Kenneth Hampton
Posted at 17:25h, 11 OctoberCan you please email some information please.
I have a 9 year old who swears at anyone if things dont go how he wants them to, never owns up to a simple mistake, blames others for his doing wrongs etc.
My parents and my partners parents refuse to allow him to holliday at their houses due to his uncontrolling behaviour i have an older son who is 12 and this is affecting him as well as our two younger children who are 5 and 4.
Just looking at options at the moment.
Posted at 13:53h, 28 OctoberHi Kenneth,
Thanks for your message re: your 9 year old. Unfortunately our program is for ages 12-17. Wish we could help, sorry.
Candice collard
Posted at 22:36h, 17 OctoberAt my wits end with my 14 yr old son..attitude stinks, wagging school, smoking, in trouble with authority I don’t know what else to do can you help
Posted at 13:52h, 28 OctoberHi Candice,
Sorry to hear about the situation your 14yr old has found himself in! I have emailed you some information now with my contact details, happy to have a chat. lynette
Sam E & Clint B
Posted at 16:57h, 25 OctoberHi. Just enquiring at this stage for my troubled 15 year old step-son. We’ve had him for over a year now – troubled history when he lived with mum. Very sneaky, argumentative with his father, and wagged school just today and has decided to disappear but has been seen earlier this morning/ snitched his scooter from home for his adventures today when he was told to leave it here (he got in trouble last night for being home late – appears to have an issue with owning his actions).. Needing a plan c. Plan b was us enrolling him in a new school (changed from public to private school) and army cadets after his last ‘biggy’. Needing more information on what is available because this is getting ridiculous! He was doing so well (perhaps we’ve been fooled). Just needing something to wow him and get his act together – he’s got so much potential!! Kind regards, the frustrated and concerned step-mum.
Posted at 12:31h, 28 OctoberHi Sam and clint,
Thanks for reaching out to us. I have emailed you some information on our program.
Lisete Pinheiro
Posted at 09:28h, 26 OctoberHi there, I also have a troublesome teenager and would like some help. Can you pls send me information about program offered, where the programme takes place, cost involved, etc
Posted at 13:50h, 28 OctoberHi lisete, sorry to hear you have a teen pushing the boundaries! I have sent you some complete information and brochure on our program, including my contact details. Feel free to give me a ring to discuss. lynette
Naommi Alekseyev
Posted at 17:42h, 26 OctoberCan I please have more information as my stepdaughter is out of control and need to learn respect values, manners and definitely needs discipline as her Mother has neglected her and now she is living with us but driving us Indian, we need help please
Posted at 13:50h, 28 OctoberHi Naommi, i have sent off some information to you now. Don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions or if I can book your stepdaughter in. Lynette
Jacqueline Allison
Posted at 21:27h, 27 OctoberHi I my name is Jacqui and I have a fifteen year old son he currently is in education support as has some learning difficulties as a result he hangs around with mainstream students who I feel takes advantage of him and because he wants to be accepted by these kids he is making some bad choices he comes home and abuses me verbally and his two other siblings he punched his older brother in the mouth last week which was the final straw I don’t want him end up in jail I love him dearly but just don’t know what to do. Any help would be appreciated
Posted at 12:06h, 28 OctoberHi Jacqueline, Thank you for your message. Our program helps many teens who are in similar situations as your son. I have sent you some information on our program with my contact details, feel free to ring if I can help in any way. Lynette
Shane leary
Posted at 19:55h, 13 DecemberNeed help 13 year old daughter is hanging with a bad crowd smoking weed and cigarettes drinking alcohol please send info with prices and dates
Jodie Drysdale
Posted at 10:06h, 11 JanuaryI have a 12 and 10yr old who need help with emotional regulation and impulse control and self esteem and disrespect I feel out of control and always torn
Posted at 14:14h, 17 JanuaryHi Jodie, we would love to have your 12yr old on our next program. We cover all those issues on camp. Unfortunately we only cater for 12-17yr olds. I”ll email you some information today.