Parental Guidance Workshop

This full-day parenting course and workshop is designed for parents, parental figures (grandparents or step-parents) or carers who live within the direct family unit with a young person that displays concerning behaviour. It is not designed for role model figures or mentors who reside outside of the family unit.

This is a one-day, face-to-face workshop. It is a facilitated workshop, not a simple parenting class. What does that mean? It means that we are not going to teach you how to parent your children.

We are instead going to use a combination of theory and group discussions to allow you to explore your own strengths and constraints and identify ways to capitalise on your strengths and manage your constraints. We will do this by following a comprehensive manual that, when completed, will form your personalised parenting guide.

The teenage years are rife with challenges for both adolescents and their parents. Moodiness, anger and rebellion are all normal characteristics of healthy development, so distinguishing these and understanding how to deal with teenage behaviour problems can be challenging. 

Research indicates that early intervention for the real problems and managing the normal day-to-day challenges is the key and this workshop is designed to help you do this.

Register for the Parental Guidance Workshop

Our Parental Guidance Workshop is now included with our Junior Leader Program (JLP) providing parents and guardians with support and advice, once their child has completed the JLP.

Learn more about our Junior Leader Program here.

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