We understand you may have several questions. If you can’t find an answer you need below, please don’t hesitate to contact our team.

How old does my child have to be?

We accept children from age 12-17.

What happens post program and what support is available?

Following participant completion of the JLP program our mentors will call to check-in approximately 2-3 weeks after the program. This is an opportunity to share, provide feedback and seek additional advice or support.

If you require additional support we also offer a couple of alternative programs.

Parent Support Program
Is about empowering parents and their children to grow together, fostering relationships that are stronger, happier, and healthier. This program consists of individual call packages for families committed to long-term growth and creating tools for life. Our focus is on individual empowerment, not counselling. Learn more.

Parent Retreat
Connect with other parents and our mentors through open and honest discussions amidst a serene landscape in our 3 day retreat. Find support in other parents, come together, share and build your network as well as long-lasting friendships. Learn more.

Reconnection Expedition
A weekend adventure designed to help strengthen the connection with your child. Our mentors support and guide you, while you have fun, open-up and engage in activities that challenge both of you. Learn more.

For more information or to book into our programs, contact the veteran mentors team on 0418 869 061 or via hello@veteranmentors.com.au

What will my child learn on program?

Children who attend our Program will learn our six Key Learning Areas (KLA); the same principles taught to us in the military. Values and Ethics, Self-Worth and Confidence, Teamwork, Responsibility, Resilience, and Health and Well-being. The Program is deliberately challenging and is designed to help participants move outside their comfort zones. The Program aims to provide the participant with the knowledge and self-awareness to be an engaged and contributing member of their community.

How much is the program and what's included in the cost?

Our Junior Leadership Program is an all-inclusive, intensive experience like no other. We provide:

  • 9-day, 24/7 Program
  • Transport to Program from the designated airport (and back if necessary)
  • Food – 5 x meals per day (no added sugar)
  • Accommodation (in barrack-style bunks)
  • Access to Military Clothing and Boots on Program
  • Takehome Veteran Mentors T-shirt, hat, water bottle and personalised dog tags to keep after Program
  • Personal Training by qualified instructors
  • High Ratio of instructors per participant (approx. 1:5)
  • Full-time onsite Counsellor
  • Full-time onsite Medic
  • CPR and First Aid Instruction
  • Guest Speakers – including but not limited to: Dietician, Meditation Group, Motivational Speakers
  • Excursions off-site
  • Regular Facebook updates in a Private Parent/Guardian Group
  • Graduation Parade, March Out Presentation and morning tea for families
  • Phone call from child’s Mentor during Program
  • Phone call from child’s Mentor 2 weeks post-Program
  • Cleaning
  • Insurances
  • GST

The cost is A$6,000 per child or A$5,500 if booked as an early-bird offer (future program). Interest-free and long-term finance options are available.

For participants with access to the NDIS, we may be able to offer NDIS-funded support (depending on your plan). Due to the additional 1-1 support and higher staffing ratios required for NDIS participants, our program cost is A$6,000 inc. (no early bird special).

My child has NDIS funding. Can they use this to access the programs?

This depends on the type and level of funding. Please get in touch with us directly to discuss your child’s eligibility for NDIS-funded support.

Due to the additional 1-1 support and higher staffing ratios required for NDIS participants, our JLP program cost is $6,000 inc. GST (no early bird special).

I'm a Veteran or a widow/widower of a Veteran. Can my child/family access any kind of financial support to attend JLP?

Please get in touch with DVA to find out if you can access up to $10,000 support per year for your child.

You can find more details about the support packages and eligibility requirements here – https://www.dva.gov.au/financial-support/support-families/defence-veterans-and-families-acute-support-package

Is 9 days enough time?

Our Program begins at 6am and runs through with activity until 9pm at night. We fit as much learning, teaching, activity and exercise into one day as possible! We have over 120 contact hours with your child in that 9 days.

Where are you located and when do your programs run?

We currently operate Programs during each school holidays in:

  • New South Wales (Central Coast, and Kangaroo Valley – 90min from Sydney)
  • Queensland (Sunshine Coast – 90min from Brisbane)

However, with more than 40% of our participant attendance coming from interstate, we also provide airport transfers to/from Sydney and Brisbane airports. Please note we will share specific timeframes and designated airport details following program enrolment.

How will my child be disciplined?

Every time a child needs discipline, we retrain them, whether that be through extra study, physical exercise or repetitive duties. Our style of discipline will not only teach your child, but they will help them grow. Your child will understand that it’s OK to make mistakes and learn from them, but when you repeat the same mistake over and over and let your team down that will not be tolerated. Every child is different, and we take that into consideration.

My child has been bullied at school, how is this prevented on your program?

We have a high instructor to participant ratio that helps us manage this area.

What is a typical day that my child will experience whilst on program?

Please refer to example Program below.

Will this 'fix my child'?

The core values taught on our Program are aimed to encourage Resilience, Honesty, Initiative, Respect, Courage and Teamwork within your child. The results of the Program are based on your child’s openness to change once in attendance. Every child takes something different home with them that will be evident internally and externally. Their results are also dependant on the support, structure, and encouragement from their core family members at home; therefore, their results aren’t guaranteed.

Is it a Co-ed program?

Yes, as both Males and Females will be placed in a section together, their sleeping quarters will be completely separate and monitored by staff.

Do younger children mix with older children?

Yes, we believe in having a balance of all ages in each section.

Do I get to speak to my child whist they are on Program?

No. We believe your child needs this time to be away from external situations and focus to what our Program is teaching. It will allow them to grow during Program as their own individual. However, you WILL receive a call from your child’s mentor to give you an update midway through Program.

Can this program be used for a stepping stone to the defence force?

No. We do not promote the defence force but if your child is interested, they will get a good understanding of what life would be like in the defence force also any questions they might have our highly skilled veteran instructors will be happy to answer.

Is there a medic on the program?

Yes, there is a medic throughout the entire Program.

Do all Mentors hold Working With Children Checks?

Yes, all Mentors hold Working With Children Checks in their respective state. Our Mentors are all qualifying in first aid.

Is there security on the program?

All security will be conducted by our highly skilled Veteran Mentor Staff or appropriately qualified personnel. You can rest easy knowing your child will be in safe hands.

Are there qualified staff to attend to my child that has Autism?

All Veteran Mentors staff are well experienced in mentoring children with Autism. We also have a qualified counsellor and medic on Program.

What is the ratio of children to instructors?

The children are placed in various sized sections of up to 12 children. Veteran Mentors operators a ratio of 1 staff member per 4 children. Additionally, we have a full-time medic, counsellor and admin team on Program.

What Facilities are offered on the program for sleeping arrangements?

Participants will sleep in barracks based on their section. Girls are in separate barracks. Participants will need to bring a pillow and sleeping bag for the field module of our Program; all other linen will be provided.

Is my child supervised at night?

Yes. We have Mentors on shift through the night actively supervising the barracks.

Will wayward teens effect my child's confidence building on program?

Every child on our Program is here for different reasons, but all come together as a team. Every child knows from the start that bullying and fighting are not tolerated. Children lacking confidence is common and our Program is designed all around self-esteem.

Will bad behaviours from other children rub off on my child?

Bad behaviours are not tolerated on Program; however, we cannot control what is said between the children, but our Mentors aim is always to find the problem and fix it before it effects other children.

If my child doesn’t follow procedures and acts out, will they be sent home? Do we get a refund?

Children are rarely sent home from Program and when done it is only in cases where the child refuses to participate, continues to break the rules, or puts other children at risk. Refunds are not offered; however, the child may have the opportunity to return to a future Program as determined by Veteran Mentors.

My child has a fear of heights.

This is a common fear amongst children on Program. Our Program is designed to help participants acknowledge their fears and use strategies to deal with stress and anxiety through techniques taught to us in the military. They will never be forced into an activity that they are not comfortable with.

Are the children forced to participate in every activity?

No, we do not force children on our Program, we build a team environment based on our six Key Learning Areas (KLA).  After learning the KLAs, children will push above and beyond for their team and use courage and determination to succeed.

I am a single parent and my child needs a positive role model.

At Veteran Mentors we understand not all role models are positive. Every mentor on our Program has served on operations around the world; Afghanistan, East Timor and Iraq just to name a few. It is our goal to show the children what a positive role model is through the Mentors running the different sessions we offer through the day while on Program and sharing their own personal stories of resilience and overcoming obstacles.

How do you prevent any drugs and alcohol arriving on your program?

Once every participant arrives, we do a 100 percent kit check.

We have court orders in place for my child’s protection.

The only adults who will be in contact with your children are the Mentors and Supervisors on our Program. We inform the Mentors of the specific court orders and we will ensure they are adhered to whilst your child is on Program.

If my child runs off during program, what is the procedure?

Local law enforcement will be notified straight away whilst a search is being conducted. It is very hard for a participant to run away due to constant supervision and this is highly unlikely to happen.

How do I get my child there?

There is a designated drop off point for each Program and the parents/caregivers are responsible for driving the child to this location. The children are then transported to the Program facility by Veteran Mentors.

If you are from interstate or long-distance, you must organise a flight to the Domestic Airport. Specific time frames and the designated airport will be sent via email once you have enrolled on Program.

Where do I pick my child up?

The last day of Program concludes with the Graduation Ceremony, which all parents/caregivers are encouraged to attend. Your child can then be collected from the Program facility at the completion of the Graduation Ceremony.

Children with return flights will be taken to the Domestic Airport and Veteran Mentors will assist them with check-in.

Participant Safety: My child is self-harming or experiencing suicidal thoughts

Our camp is not suitable for teens currently engaging in self-harm or experiencing suicidal ideation. With a mentor ratio of 1:4, we are unable to provide the level of care required in these circumstances.

For the safety of all participants, the program is also not appropriate for teens who display violent behaviour towards their peers or have a history of repeatedly running away and living on the streets for extended periods.

Is full program participation necessary?

For any teens with a recent injury (like a broken ankle/arm) or muscular dystrophy, we can’t achieve the outcomes of the program because full participation is key.

Likewise, if your religion precludes you from traveling to the program or participating in part of the program on active days, this won’t be appropriate for your teen as we cannot supervise or in-take kids outside the current structure.

My child requires additional support

Teens with ASD grade 3; severe epilepsy – unfortunately, we can’t provide 1:1 support on camp for kids who can’t operate individually, i.e., tying shoelaces, hygiene, etc.

Contact us

Our mentors all have one thing in common: to give back to their communities and pass our skills on to youth so that they’re better equipped to tackle future challenges, improve their relationships and do so with confidence and gusto. Get in touch with our team to find out more about how we may be able to help your child.